Thursday, March 29, 2018


March 29, 2018

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher,
101 Main Street #380
Huntington Beach, CA 92648

Dear Congressman,

Re: Maundy Thursday

I was eating lunch yesterday in our Laguna Beach cottage when I heard a knock at the door. I went to see who might be visiting unannounced at this time of day and found a nice young man who introduced himself as Miles. He is working for the Hans Keirstead campaign to replace you in the House of Representatives.

Now, I’m interested in replacing you, of course, and completely forgot that I’d left my lunch on the table, unprotected from our King Charles Spaniel, Jake, who has an appetite you wouldn’t believe and no conscience whatsoever about stealing other people’s food. Engrossed in conversation, I was suddenly aware that my lunch—a chunk of cheddar cheese, a piece of toast and a half avocado—was being attacked by the insatiable Jake.

Ah well. I chased him off and returned to my conversation with Miles. I have not yet decided on who is the best of the Democratic candidates and am concerned, as I told my visitor, that they might form a circular firing squad—as I’m sure you may be hoping. But you can be sure that I’ll be supporting one of them with my voice, such money as I can afford, and my vote in the primaries.

Anyway, I thought my dog story might amuse you on this Maundy Thursday. That’s the day before Good Friday for the Church of England. Not sure whether anyone even heard of it over hear.

Wishing you and your family the happiest of Easters,

Peter Clothier, Ph.D.

Wednesday, March 28, 2018


March 28, 2018

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher,
101 Main Street #380
Huntington Beach, CA 92648

Dear Congressman,

Re: County Supervisors

I note that you applaud our Orange County Supervisors—all Republicans—for their action in voting to join a lawsuit from the Trump administration against California’s so-called sanctuary state law. I write to express my disagreement with your position. I believe that Governor Brown and his administration have taken not only the proper humanitarian action in this matter, but also the most practical and practicable. The Trump administration’s ruthless war on immigrant’s has more to do with the appeasement of the base to which he pandered during his campaign than with the realities of immigration in America. Among other things, you claim that California’s action has contributed significantly to crime. Do you have evidence to back up this inflammatory claim?

At the same meeting, I read, the Supervisors voted unanimously to scrap a previously approved plan to provide temporary shelters for the homeless in the affluent communities of Huntington Beach (your hometown, I believe), Irvine and Laguna Niguel. Do you condone this heartless act of self-protection on the part of the very wealthy, Congressman? Is there not some compassion and pity in the conscience of Republicans? Or have they forgotten that they have one?


Peter Clothier, Ph.D.

Monday, March 26, 2018


March 26, 2018

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher,
101 Main Street #380
Huntington Beach, CA 92648

Dear Congressman,

Re: Equal Access for Victims of Gun Violence Act

I write this morning to call for your support of the Equal Access for Victims of Gun Violence Act, recently introduced in Congress.

As I understand, the intention of this bill is to repeal the 2005 Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act, which was passed in order to protect gun manufacturers, distributors and sellers from lawsuits that might be brought against them by victims of gun violence.

I’m astonished that such a law was passed in the first place—though perhaps I shouldn’t be. It was clearly a part of efforts by the National Rifle Association to promote the interests of the gun industry, under the guise of protecting the Second Amendment.

I have heard of no other industry—automobiles, tobacco and pharmaceuticals come readily to mind—that enjoys such protection from consumers. After the Las Vegas massacre, it seems, victims could bring lawsuits against the hotel from which the shots were fired and the concert organizers, but not against those who made, marketed and sold the weapons the gunman used.

Aside from any other considerations, the 2005 Act allows gun manufacturers to ignore even minimal safety devices, and exculpates sellers who fail to take the basic precautions about those to whom they sell not only hand guns but also military grade weapons.

The Equal Access for Victims of Gun Violence Act is an urgent necessity in the struggle to address an issue that affects so many or our citizens.


Peter Clothier, Ph.D.

Thursday, March 22, 2018


March 22, 2018

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher,
101 Main Street #380
Huntington Beach, CA 92648

Dear Congressman,

Re: Disappearance

Where are you? I’ve been looking for you. Tried Twitter. Checked your recent press releases. Checked the news page on your website. Searched The Hill, as I often do, to see if you’re involved in any congressional action. Tried Google. Nothing. Not a Tweet. Not a sighting anywhere.

Are you taking time off? Surfing in Hawaii? Just wondering. Please let me know, at your convenience.

Yours, puzzled,

Peter Clothier, Ph.D.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018


March 21, 2018

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher,
101 Main Street #380
Huntington Beach, CA 92648

Dear Congressman,

Re: Putty

I looked at the picture of Trump on the front page of the New York Times today and the word that came to mind was “putty”. As in “putty in the hands of…” Of almost anyone who gets his number and plays to his ego.

This particular picture shows Trump with the Saudi delegation, led by the crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman, with whom he appears to have established one of his celebrated bromances. The president is displaying a poster with images of the warplanes he’s selling to his visitors. He looks for all the world like a boastful little boy. The prince smiles indulgently.

This comes with news of his congratulatory call to Russian president Putin. Putin/putty… The Russian president is infinitely smart, sly, manipulative. Our president is putty. Well, Silly Putty, really. He allows himself to slip into the mold of whatever the occasion calls for, whatever the stronger person wants him to be. Whatever, it often seems, the last person he happened to speak to wants him to be.

Can you live with this? How much longer will you stand by, without a single word of criticism or rebuke?

Without, honestly, much respect this morning,

Peter Clothier, Ph.D.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018


March 20, 2018

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher,
101 Main Street #380
Huntington Beach, CA 92648

Dear Congressman,

Re: Putin

I hear your president put in a call to Putin this morning, to congratulate him on his election “victory.” I hear that Sen. John McCain called him out about it, rightly so. Everyone in the sane universe knows it was a sham, even Donald Trump. Though Donald Trump does not, perhaps, inhabit the sane universe. His congratulatory call was misplaced, but I’m sure none the less welcome in Moscow for that fact.

Does Trump realize, I wonder, that his public support and apparent friendship for a ruthless dictator is inappropriate for an American president? Even his press secretary (I saw her press briefing this morning, too) seemed more than a little embarrassed by her inability to confirm that he had raised questions about Russia’s slaughter of civilians in Syria, its continued support for the Iranian regime, the attempted murder of a former citizen, and other troublesome questions. He seems blithely unconcerned about anything except the need to avoid offense at any cost.

I’m wondering, though, where you yourself stand on Russia and its president today? I’m aware that you have been friendly enough, in the past, to have received a warning from the intelligence community, that you were being targeted as a potential asset to a hostile foreign power. I have not heard anything from you in recent days about your erstwhile (current?) friends, and I do believe it’s time to make your position clear. Do you still continue to support the dictator? Are you prepared to make a clear and forceful statement about the role of Russian interference in our 2016 election and our electoral system? I have heard/read nothing from you about the Mueller investigation. Do you support it? Are you willing to go to bat in defense of democracy?

We, your constituents, expect to hear such things from you, Congressman. Are you for America and everything it stands for? We hope so.


Peter Clothier, Ph.D.

Saturday, March 17, 2018


March 17, 2018

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher,
101 Main Street #380
Huntington Beach, CA 92648

Dear Congressman,

Re: Occam’s razor

As I’m sure you’re aware, Occam’s razor is the principle that says the best solution to a problem is the one that requires the fewest assumptions—in other words, the simplest and most obvious.

Vladimir Putin, likely soon to be re-elected as President of Russia, is getting away with murder. I mean quite literally, in the case of the former spy in Salisbury and his daughter. Well, let’s say “attempted murder” in that case. There are many other cases where his close involvement in violent and unexplained deaths is beyond reasonable doubt. Aside from murder, there is ample evidence of his malfeasance—most recently in Syria, where the mercenaries in the employ of one of his oligarch favorites attempted seizure of an oil well, endangering the lives of American soldiers, and where the Russian military has been deployed against innocent civilians to the benefit of the dictator Assad. Not to mention the indisputable meddling in our own presidential election and the hacking of our infrastructure.

Can you doubt that Putin is a very bad actor on the world stage? Perhaps, I concede, you can, given the history of your own Russia connections. Most of the rest of us, however, entertain no doubts on this score. But the American president does nothing, says nothing. When Putin, confronted by evidence of his misdeeds, smirks and says: “So what?” the American president should surely stand up and say loudly: “So what? I’ll tell you what…” And enumerate different courses of action that can be taken to counter Putin’s growing impunity and smug self-satisfaction on he world stage.

Back to Occam. There is one simple, obvious answer to the question, Why does Trump do nothing, say nothing? Why has it taken him so long to implement even the mild rebuff enacted by Congress? Why does he still, personally, remain silent and leave all criticism of Russia to his underlings? That simple, obvious answer is that Putin has some dirt on him. Sex, lies or videotape. Something so terrible that Trump is reduced to silent acquiescence. A history of money-laundering for the oligarchs? Perhaps. A tape recording of those infamous “golden showers.” In view of everything else we know about his sexual misconduct, it seems increasingly likely.

So, Congressman, is the most obvious answer to the puzzle the correct one? I need to ask you, where is your voice? Where is the voice of your Republican colleagues? Are we to simply cave to Russia’s provocations? To their continued interference in our democratic process—in 2018? In 2020? Are we to allow the incompetence, the venal narcissism, the nepotism, the intemperance of this man to continue to make us look like fools and knaves in world opinion?

What say you, Congressman? This constituent really wants to know.


Peter Clothier, Ph.D.

Thursday, March 15, 2018


March 15, 2018

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher,
101 Main Street #380
Huntington Beach, CA 92648

Dear Congressman,

Re: Trump

I see from an Axios report this morning that you are one of only two “vulnerable” Republicans (out of 23 interviewed) who would welcome a visit from Trump in support of your reelection campaign.

As your constituent, I think it’s safe to say that many of us would welcome a stump speech by Trump on your behalf. It would almost certainly ensure your defeat.

So… good luck with that.

Please excuse the brevity of my letter today, I have much else to do.


Peter Clothier, Ph.D.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018


March 13, 2018

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher,
101 Main Street #380
Huntington Beach, CA 92648

Dear Congressman

Re: The Horn of Africa

Did you read the article in yesterday’s New York Times about the drought and famine in the Horn of Africa where, according to the report, “more than 650,000 children under age 5… are severely malnourished” and millions more face the real threat of starvation?

Two things. First, the US spent $793.7 billion on its own military in 2017. Next, by contrast, the US spent a mere $49 billion on foreign aid in 2015, which sum includes more military spending. I was unable to find an exact figure for 2017, but I assume it’s not that much different, and your Trump has announced his intention to further slash foreign aid in the current year.

I ask you, Congressman: where are our priorities, as a country? With increasing evidence of the dire effects of climate change throughout the world, the Trump administration continues to deny the science, retreat from sensible existing efforts to protect the natural environment, and offer its support instead to the fossil-fuel based energy industry that is a proven major cause of the pollution. On the other hand, under this leadership, we choose to ignore the plight of those who suffer globally as a result.

As a representative in the US Congress, you have the possession of a megaphone that few others enjoy. I, for one—and I’m sure I speak for many others— would like to hear you use that perquisite on behalf of humanity and the vulnerable planet that is our only home, rather than in the narrow interest of this overly privileged country.

How about it, Congressman? Are you ready to set yourself apart and prove yourself a friend to the human species?


Peter Clothier, Ph.D.

Monday, March 12, 2018


March 11, 2018

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher,
101 Main Street #380
Huntington Beach, CA 92648

Dear Congressman,

Re: “Policy Survey”

I came across your “policy survey” online as I was searching for your recent tweets. What a sham! It was nothing but a list of issues—“healthcare,” “taxes,” “securing our border” (I note you mention only one of them!), etc.—asking respondents to check the boxes of “those most important to you.” I liked especially the burning issue of “airplane noise”!

What could you possibly tell from a list of boxes checked? Would you not like to hear WHY “gun control” is important to me? After all, if I simply check a box, as you request, I could be either for or against it. Or does that not matter? Do you assume that all your respondents agree with you on the issues that you list? How can you tell if they don’t? And how do you determine how many of them wish for you to adopt a different policy? I would have thought this information would be useful to you in representing your constituents. It seems not.

And then… you ask me to provide you with my personal details, presumably so that you can include me on your email and/or snail mail mailing lists. Well, no. You have never bothered to respond to a single one of my personal letters to you (now nearly 250 of them), and I choose not to have your boilerplate and funding requests cluttering my inbox.

Thanks anyway,

Peter Clothier, Ph.D.

Friday, March 9, 2018


March 9, 2018
Rep. Dana Rohrabacher,
101 Main Street #380
Huntington Beach, CA 92648

Dear Congressman,

Re: Momentous disruption

I read the press release in which you heaped praise on Attorney General Jeff Sessions for coming to California to announce legal action against the state for its opposition to the Trump administration’s draconian actions in the matter of immigration.

In you release, with wild hyperbole, you speak of a “momentous disruption of the lives and wellbeing of everyday Americans thrust upon us by illegal immigrants.” I would like to you back up such statements with evidence of this “momentous disruption.” From where I stand, I have seen none, especially not in your own district in Orange County.

What I see instead is ample evidence of momentous disruption in the lives of well-intentioned, tax-paying and generally law-abiding citizens—particularly, of course, those protected until recently by Obama’s eminently sensible Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program (DACA), the so-called “Dreamers.” Quite apart from them, however, I see nightly television news reports of fathers and other long-time citizens snatched by ICE officers from families and held indefinitely in detainment centers or simply deported with no hearing or appeal.

The Attorney General of the United States, in my opinion, has better things to do than to enforce unjust, unworkable and often cruel laws. The State of California has integrity, decency, and simple humanity on its side.


Peter Clothier, Ph.D.

Wednesday, March 7, 2018


March 7, 2018

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher,
101 Main Street #380
Huntington Beach, CA 92648

Dear Congressman,

Re: Golden showers

The one thing I found hard to believe in the now infamous Steele dossier—or at least what I’ve read about it, because I confess I never read the actual document—was the “golden showers” story, with prostitutes hired by Trump to perform a urination spectacle in an upscale hotel.

Having spent time in Moscow, many years ago, and having stayed in a Soviet-era hotel, I know the creepy suspicion of having the privacy of my room violated by sound and video recording devices. What could possibly have provided Trump with motivation compelling enough to take such a risk?

I could imagine no scenario that would explain this to my satisfaction, until I read the long article about the Steele dossier by Jane Mayer in the current New Yorker magazine. Steele’s sources, she wrote, “said that when Trump had stayed in the presidential suite of Moscow’s Ritz-Carlton hotel, in 2013, he had paid ‘a number of prostitutes to perform a golden showers (urination) show in front of him,’ thereby defiling a bed that Barack and Michelle Obama had slept in during a state visit.”

Aha! The light went on. The story now made perfect sense. I could (sadly!) very easily believe that Trump would delight in such an act of defilement of the Obamas. It’s my view that this has been his primary motivation all along. I believe that the whole tragic, pathetic trajectory of his candidacy and eventual occupation of the Oval Office had its origin in that single moment of what he experienced as public humiliation at the hands of Obama at that White House press dinner years before. At some deep level of the man's psyche, this has all been about revenge.

So yes, I can now believe the golden showers episode was real. How about you, Congressman, do you agree? You know Russia and the Russians. You know, surely, about kompromat. Does it not all make a horrible kind of sense?


Peter Clothier, Ph.D.


June 9, 2018 Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, 101 Main Street #380 Huntington Beach, CA 92648 Dear Congressman, You may be surprise...