Saturday, June 9, 2018


June 9, 2018

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher,
101 Main Street #380
Huntington Beach, CA 92648

Dear Congressman,

You may be surprised to hear from me. It has been some time since I last wrote. Having written over 250 letters to you since the Trump inauguration in 2017, and having received not one single response, even as a matter of courtesy, I concluded that it was time for me to take a different tack and turn instead to support for a Democratic candidate. I trust that he will survive the jungle primary and go on to take your seat in Congress later this year.

I am writing now because I am deeply alarmed by the behavior of the man who occupies the Oval Office. As is now evident to anyone who is not willfully blind to reality, the most powerful position in the world is held by a man who is bent on remaking this country in his own image—a man who has shown himself before all the world to be intemperate, small-minded, vindictive, self-interested, lacking in human compassion, easily corrupted, incompetent, and in every way unfit for the office that he holds. His petty personal likes and dislikes dominate world affairs. He acts on the world stage like a spoiled child in a temper tantrum. His public behavior is crass and unmannerly. His only skill is in creating chaos everywhere around him.

To continue to support this man and enable his irrational and dangerous actions is to betray the interests of this country, its people, every other nation, and the very planet we live on. We are at a moment of extreme and imminent danger, subject only to the whims of a petulant child. It is past time for those who hold positions of power and authority, like yourself, to stop simply hoping for the best and instead to acknowledge loudly, boldly, and without prevarication that we have collectively made a grave mistake. It is time for us to release ourselves from the pervasive, devious and malevolent power of this sociopathic pretender to the office of the president.

Speak out! Tell the truth! As you constituent, I demand it.


Peter Clothier, Ph.D.


June 9, 2018 Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, 101 Main Street #380 Huntington Beach, CA 92648 Dear Congressman, You may be surprise...