Friday, April 21, 2017


21 April 2017

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher,
101 Main Street #380
Huntington Beach, CA 92648

Dear Congressman,

Re: Health Care. Again!

What is it with you guys?

I mean, really. Is it possible that Republicans fail to understand that their “repeal and replace” obsession is wildly unpopular? That those who’ll suffer the most are precisely their most faithful supporters? That no matter how hard you try to reach agreement between “moderate” (!) Republicans and the right-wing extremists, their concerns are simply incompatible: there’s no way to simultaneously cut costs AND provide the kind of “wonderful” health care system Trump promised his voters.

I know, I know, you have already responded to me on this issue—three times, in fact, and on the same day!—with boilerplate letters repeating word for word the familiar Republican talking points. But the intractable reality remains.

If, as promised (threatened?) the Republican-led congress returns to this issue in short order so that Trump can boast at least one victory in his first hundred days, I want you, as my representative, to vote no. Enough with this lock-step partisan intransigence that makes progress on this and every other issue impossible. It’s time for a return to reason and sanity. Vote no on repeal and replace.

A little less respectfully and with rather more impatience than before,

Peter Clothier, Ph.D.

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June 9, 2018 Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, 101 Main Street #380 Huntington Beach, CA 92648 Dear Congressman, You may be surprise...