10 April
Rep. Dana
101 Main
Street #380
Beach, CA 92648
Re: The
I’m just
hoping that you will have the good sense and fortitude to oppose the funding
(and the building) of that ridiculous wall along our southern border. You have
made clear your position on immigrants—and you know that we disagree strongly
on this matter. It is clear, nevertheless, that the wall has nothing to do with
immigration and everything to do with a frankly racist dog whistle the
president* exploited to rile his audiences in the course of his campaign.
You must
surely be aware that 67 percent of Americans are opposed to building the wall.
Immigration from Mexico has slowed to a negative figure in the recent past. Most
immigration, legal or illegal, enters through our sea- or airports. The wall
would require millions in legal fees and years of time to acquire the affected property—much
of it, I imagine, through eminent domain. It would cut across land that is
sacred to at least one Native American tribe; and would have to traverse a
great deal of territory where rivers and mountains render its construction moot,
if not impossible. In addition, its realization would require many millions of
taxpayer dollars—money that you, as a fiscal conservative, are surely reluctant
to spend. And finally, the message it sends not only to our neighbors to the
south but to the world at large is that America is anything but “great again,”
but rather a nation shrinking in fear from innocent people and imagined
constituents will appreciate your firm opposition to any spending on this
boondoggle, as well as to congressional approval when and if the need for it
Clothier, Ph.D.
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