Tuesday, January 30, 2018


January 30, 2018

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher,
101 Main Street #380
Huntington Beach, CA 92648

Dear Congressman,

Re: The Memo

My apologies for a rather long silence. I have had other preoccupations, including a long and impassioned Facebook exchange on the subject of sexual harassment and its consequences.

I am now concerned to know your stand on the infamous “memo,” authored by Devin Nunes and his staff and much touted as some kind of evidence that the FBI and the Justice Department have been conspiring to impugn the reputation of Donald Trump and undermine the Russia inquiry, with the immediate goal, it seems, of removing suspected enemies from office.

It does seem inappropriate, would you not agree, to manufacture your own evidence? Especially when you conspire, at the same time, to suppress the evidence of others. I suspect that much is being made of very little and that the roar is that of a mouse rather than a lion.

Perhaps you know more about this than I do? If you support the release of this disputed memo, I’d be grateful if you would let me and my fellow constituents know your reasons. We are sorely in need of some sanity and reason here. Why is it so important to disprove what is widely known: that a hostile country interfered in our democratic process. Should all Americans not agree to know the truth about this attack on our country, and devise ways to prevent its recurrence in the future?


Peter Clothier, Ph.D.

Friday, January 26, 2018


January 26, 2018

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher,
101 Main Street #380
Huntington Beach, CA 92648

Dear Congressman,

Re: “Reagan Doctrine”

I note that the “American Conservative” disapproves of your call for a “Reagan Doctrine” to combat the mullahs in Iran:

[…] the “Reagan Doctrine” usually involved stoking internal conflicts that did serious harm to the affected countries. If the U.S. tried something similar in Iran, it would most likely lead to pointless bloodshed and deeper repression. The problem with Rohrabacher’s proposal isn’t just that U.S. meddling would harm the cause of those it is supposedly trying to help, but that it mistakenly takes for granted that the U.S. has some right to force political changes in another country. 

You might be surprised to hear that I agree with this conservative voice. I have no great love for the Iranian regime, but your desire to stir up trouble for those in power there is to court disaster in that country and further turmoil in the region. We have no business sticking yet another finger in that hornet’s nest.

I know that you, along with most of your colleagues, are a big fan of Ronald Reagan. I see things differently. For me he remains a false idol, whose tenure in the White House gave impetus to a downward spiral in our culture and our politics that persists until this day; given the historical precedent of Reagan, it’s no surprise that we ended up with Donald Trump.

What is more surprising, perhaps, is that Ronald Reagan would have despised the unmannerly and undisciplined Trump and most of what he appears to stand for—if indeed he stands for anything. If you wish to be a good Reaganite, I say: join the resistance!


Peter Clothier, Ph.D.

Thursday, January 25, 2018


January 25, 2018

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher,
101 Main Street #380
Huntington Beach, CA 92648

Dear Congressman,

Re: Whose side are YOU on?

You asked this question of Democrats the other day, in comments published on your website. You accused them, essentially, of a lack of patriotism, suggesting they are not on America’s side (I read carefully what you wrote). The very accusation that you make, Congressman, is in itself unpatriotic. What happened to “the loyal opposition”? Do you want to be a part of that loyal opposition, when your party is no longer in power? I would assume you do. To impugn the loyalty of Democrats is to impugn the whole notion of American democracy.

But now it’s my turn. What is this war on the FBI that’s being conducted by members of your party? Are you, too, persuaded that the organization whose purpose is to enforce the country’s laws is some kind of enemy of the government? Are you, too, so adamantly opposed to unearthing the truth about Russia’s involvement in our election process? I know you’re a Russophile and widely reported to be a long-time friend of the Kremlin, but… at the cost of our democracy? Do you not want to know the truth about attempts to undermine it, now that there is ample evidence that these in fact took place? Or are you content to allow it to happen again, in the next election? Will you be content to allow it when it favors the “other” party?

When I ask whose side you’re on, I do not intend to question your patriotism, as you have done with Democrats. Instead, I want to ask you whether you’re on the side of truth or falsehood? Of our respected institutions or against them? Of Republicans against Democrats? Of American values and the American form of government or those—including those in our own country—who would seek to undermine them?


Peter Clothier, Ph.D.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018


January 24, 2018

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher,
101 Main Street #380
Huntington Beach, CA 92648

Dear Congressman,

Re: Immigration

May I ask where you stand on the draconian “Securing America’s Future Act”, which is currently being touted by extreme conservative Republicans who are urging Paul Ryan to bring it to the floor for a vote? My understanding is that your views on immigration are hard right. Do you support this bill? Will you vote for it if it comes to the floor?

Proponents of this measure must know that it wouldn’t stand a chance in the Senate. The only reason for its promotion is to score political points and further poison an already toxic relationship between Republicans and Democrats on this issue. This is distinctly not what is needed as a way to resolve an obviously complex problem. What is needed is greater understanding and cooperation between the two parties, not further polarization.

I do hope you are not planning to side with the authors of this unhelpful bill, and would appreciate a clarification from you or your staff. Do you support the bill, or do you oppose it?

As a footnote, let me add that the paucity of information available on your website or in your public statements makes it difficult to know you thoughts on this and other important issues of the day. Your constituents need and deserve to know better where their representative stands.


Peter Clothier, Ph.D.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018


January 19, 2018

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher,
101 Main Street #380
Huntington Beach, CA 92648

Dear Congressman,

Re: Twitter

I note that you unleashed a minor Twitter storm with your recent Tweets about the government shutdown—in which you sought to blame the Democrats and cater to shutdown supporters by piously announcing your refusal to accept pay “other than any other federal employee.” A noble gesture?

Nobler, I think, and more honest, would have been to frankly acknowledge the Republican role in this latest fiasco. Nobler, too, to have shown some graciousness in acknowledging Democrats’ coming to your (and the country’s) rescue by ending the shutdown. Not a word on that, I note. Other Republicans simply crow. Perhaps you do the same. In private.

And, by the way, what a major triumph: a few more days of government before the next threat of showdown! A magnificent victory!

Also: can Mitch McConnell be trusted to stick to his word on the DACA issue? Do you think Paul Ryan will bring it to a House vote—without the assurance of a Republican victory? I’m not holding me breath. Are you?

And… if it does come to a vote in the House, do you plan to hew to your hard line on immigration? Will you vote in recognition of the wishes of some 90% of Americans, including even a significant majority of Republicans, to resolve the predicament of the “dreamers”? Again, I’m not holding my breath.


Peter Clothier, Ph.D.

Monday, January 22, 2018


January 22, 2018

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher,
101 Main Street #380
Huntington Beach, CA 92648

Dear Congressman,

Re: Blame

It’s a sorry spectacle, to see Republicans and Democrats blaming each other for the current government shutdown. You’d think the Congress of the United States could do better than twelve-year-olds in the schoolyard.

The real blame, as I see it, lies with the man in the Oval Office and those in his administration and his party who are willing to sacrifice all good sense, human decency and honor in their rush to support his every shifting position. Obsessed with the need to be adored and obeyed, he is fearful of making any decision lest it alienate his base—or indeed the last person that he spoke to. Last week, he made nice in that famous televised conference, promising to sign any bill brought to him in the spirit of bipartisanship; yet by the time that bill was brought to him, he had listened to other advisors and had done a volte-face.

Mutual trust, it seems to me, is a prerequisite for any sound negotiation, and Trump destroys trust with his every utterance, promise, and position. A compulsive liar, he is the very antithesis of trust itself. He is also, as it happens, the man who occupies the office of final responsibility, and he shows himself incapable of accepting that responsibility.

The only solution to this problem is for his henchmen, both in the White House and the People’s House, to behave responsibly themselves. Instead, though, they choose to prevaricate on his behalf, and cast the blame on others. In many of my letters, I have begged you to be the one to step forward and tell the truth. You have not done so. Too bad for all of us!


Peter Clothier, Ph.D.

Friday, January 19, 2018


January 19, 2018

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher,
101 Main Street #380
Huntington Beach, CA 92648

Dear Congressman,

Re: Shutdown

As I write, we are dealing with yet another threat of government shutdown. I’m guessing—I have not checked on this, but I’m pretty confident in my guess—that you voted yesterday in favor of the Continuing Resolution to keep the wheels turning for another few weeks.

What a truly pathetic situation! You Republicans have control of the House, the Senate and the White House and yet you resort to these continual delaying tactics—I suppose because you can’t agree on much between yourselves. I read somewhere that there are three Republican parties--military hawks, deficit hawks and a handful of "moderates"--not counting Donald Trump, of course, a problematic "Republican" at best, whose inability to make a decision and stand by it for more than a couple of hours makes the work of government impossible.

A question: when do you stop your internal bickering and start to govern—I would hope from some middle ground, though there appears to be none? When will you decide to listen, not only to your Democratic colleagues across the aisle but to the voices of the vast majority of the American people? Or are you forever to remain, even in power, nothing but obdurate obstructionists?


Peter Clothier, Ph.D.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018


January 17, 2018

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher,
101 Main Street #380
Huntington Beach, CA 92648

Dear Congressman

Re: Unpardonable

Were you aware—I was not until this morning—that according to the Federal Register your Trump quietly pardoned five megabanks on charges of corruption, including Deutsche Bank, to which he is personally indebted to the tune of $130 million? He did this, apparently, during the Christmas week when no one was paying attention, in another shameless action that puts the president’s own interests first.

Why was this action not made more public in the media? Is it that there are too many other—and more juicy!—scandals to report on? And why is the US Congress not exercising more vigilance over the actions of this rogue, and quite possibly corrupt presidency? Is it not your job? Does this not bear some investigation on your part? Is there not some glaring conflict of interest involved?

I was wondering this morning—and I was going to write to ask you before this other matter came up—where your loyalties lies? The Constitution, certainly, which does not require you and your colleagues to kow-tow to the president but rather to act as checks and balances. And also, one would have thought, to the people you were elected to serve. In any event, to judge by your words and actions, your loyalties are surely misplaced if you surrender them to president and party.

As your constituent, I ask that you inquire into this matter and inform us as to its propriety and legality.


Peter Clothier, Ph.D.

Monday, January 15, 2018


January 15, 2018

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher,
101 Main Street #380
Huntington Beach, CA 92648

Dear Congressman,

Re: Incalculable damage

It’s not just the vile racism of your president’s recent “shithole countries” blunder. The attitude it expresses is in itself appalling enough. But anyone with half a brain can see that it has far wider implications: with China courting African countries for their business and their diplomatic relations far into the future, it is hard to imagine those countries opting instead to make those ties with a country whose president so publicly despises and demeans them. And what of relations with our neighbors to the south, in Mexico and Central and South America? Your Trump seems incapable of understanding that what the American president says and does has far more serious and lasting consequences than its repercussions in the ephemeral current news cycle.

Far from “making America great again,” Trump is diminishing our country’s power and reputation by the day. The damage he has done to this country in his now nearly one year in office is already incalculable. It will take decades to recover. And it’s entirely possible that our preeminent standing in the world is already forever lost. China is eagerly stepping up to take our place in the long march of history. Russia will likely never have the power to recover its past strength, but has the capacity, nonetheless, to further erode American democracy and American leadership in the world.

Shame on Republicans, then, who are the only ones to hold in their hands the power to restrain this man and the effects of his reckless words and actions. Shame on you all for your deliberate denial and neglect of Russia’s violation of our election process, and leaving the door open for further attacks. It is you, Congressman, my representative, who contribute to this not-so-slow moving disaster with your silence and complicity. Do not attempt tell me and my fellow constituents that you are doing what is best for America. By this time in the Trump presidency, that is nothing but an empty, shameless and transparent lie.


Peter Clothier, Ph.D.

Friday, January 12, 2018


January 12, 2018

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher,
101 Main Street #380
Huntington Beach, CA 92648

Dear Congressman,

Re: “Shithole countries”

I imagine there will be many of Trump’s supporters who will be delighted to hear him use what they believe to be blunt and honest language, but I hope you are not among them.

As your constituent, I wish to hear your voice amongst the loudest protesting this disgusting and transparently racist comment, which brings dishonor on our country in the community of nations.

Speak up.


Peter Clothier, Ph.D.

Thursday, January 11, 2018


January 11, 2018

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher,
101 Main Street #380
Huntington Beach, CA 92648

Dear Congressman,

Re: Retirement

I see that your colleague to the south, Darrell Issa, has announced his retirement. Perhaps he found in this decision a convenient escape hatch…

As I’m sure you know, Issa was possibly the least favorite Republican congressman amongst liberal Democrats like myself (though you, Congressman, have the honor of coming a close second!) Issa was dogged to the point of perversity in his eventually mindless pursuit of Hillary Clinton and other Democratic targets. He lied frequently and mercilessly to achieve his nefarious ends, and seemed to take pleasure in using his power to torture witnesses and destroy reputations.

I’m wondering, though: are you also thinking of retiring? It might be the sensible course of action in today’s political climate. As Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee spokesman Drew Godinich said recently, “California Republicans clearly see the writing on the wall and realize that their party and its priorities are toxic to their reelecton chances in 2018.”

It’s no more than guesswork, but I believe that support for you in your district is dwindling, while the number of voters likely to choose a Democratic candidate continues to grow. Now might be a good time to follow Issa’s excellent example, and leave with your dignity—more or less!—intact.

How about it, Congressman? You have all those cushy congressional retirement benefits ahead of you to enjoy!


Peter Clothier, Ph.D.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018


January 10, 2018

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher,
101 Main Street #380
Huntington Beach, CA 92648

Dear Congressman,

Re: Do Something

As Paul Krugman notes in his NYT column yesterday, “even as much of the world is questioning Trump’s fitness for office, the only people who could constrain him are doing their best to place him above the rule of law.”

Have you read “Fire and Fury”? I have admittedly read only extracts, and have heard others cited in news reports. And I certainly hold no brief for the author, because I am in no position to judge the veracity of what he writes. Two things, however: first, if only 20 percent of what he writes is true, that’s quite enough to scare the pants off me—and should be more than enough for Republicans to quit their unquestioning adulation of Donald Trump. Second, as many others have pointed out, his stories do no more than reinforce what has been widely reported about the chaos in the Trump White House, and what he has made evident about his character in his impetuous actions and his own reckless words.

For how much longer will you continue to join your fellow Republicans in propping up this stumbling “genius”? Is this patriotism? Is this the service you were elected to perform for your constituents? Or is this nothing but partisan warfare, conducted on a no-holds-barred basis?

I ask you, not for the first time, Congressman: return to the real world in which the rest of us live. Recognize what it is about this man that the whole world can see. And do something.


Peter Clothier, Ph.D.

Tuesday, January 9, 2018


January 8, 2018

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher,
101 Main Street #380
Huntington Beach, CA 92648

Dear Congressman

Re: Sessions

I tuned in to a recording of the recent CNN interview in which you castigated Attorney General Sessions for his recusal from the Russia investigation, asserting that this was some kind of disrespect for Donald Trump.

I have to ask, first, in what way this was a sign of disrespect, when Sessions clearly and by his own admission had personal issues at stake in the investigation; is this not the proper and respectful thing to do in cases of this kind? I would have wished you could have seen it as a sign of respect for the US Constitution and the rule of law. Instead, in your rush to the defense of the president, you chose to ignore the very real possibility that our democratic system may have been under attack from a hostile foreign power. Would a patriot not rush to the defense of his country, rather than a man who thrives on a diet of transparent lies and intemperate animosity?

Speaking of which—the latter, I mean—I noted that in the interview you employed a strategy that seems to have become the standard for members of your party: rather than answer serious and legitimate questions, you choose to interrupt constantly, shout down the interviewer, and complain loudly that this is what she is doing to you. It is both ironic and degrading to watch you play the victim even as you act the bully. Aside from anything else, it’s bad manners. I would hope we constituents could expect better than this spectacle from our Congressman.


Peter Clothier, Ph.D.


June 9, 2018 Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, 101 Main Street #380 Huntington Beach, CA 92648 Dear Congressman, You may be surprise...