Thursday, January 25, 2018


January 25, 2018

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher,
101 Main Street #380
Huntington Beach, CA 92648

Dear Congressman,

Re: Whose side are YOU on?

You asked this question of Democrats the other day, in comments published on your website. You accused them, essentially, of a lack of patriotism, suggesting they are not on America’s side (I read carefully what you wrote). The very accusation that you make, Congressman, is in itself unpatriotic. What happened to “the loyal opposition”? Do you want to be a part of that loyal opposition, when your party is no longer in power? I would assume you do. To impugn the loyalty of Democrats is to impugn the whole notion of American democracy.

But now it’s my turn. What is this war on the FBI that’s being conducted by members of your party? Are you, too, persuaded that the organization whose purpose is to enforce the country’s laws is some kind of enemy of the government? Are you, too, so adamantly opposed to unearthing the truth about Russia’s involvement in our election process? I know you’re a Russophile and widely reported to be a long-time friend of the Kremlin, but… at the cost of our democracy? Do you not want to know the truth about attempts to undermine it, now that there is ample evidence that these in fact took place? Or are you content to allow it to happen again, in the next election? Will you be content to allow it when it favors the “other” party?

When I ask whose side you’re on, I do not intend to question your patriotism, as you have done with Democrats. Instead, I want to ask you whether you’re on the side of truth or falsehood? Of our respected institutions or against them? Of Republicans against Democrats? Of American values and the American form of government or those—including those in our own country—who would seek to undermine them?


Peter Clothier, Ph.D.

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June 9, 2018 Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, 101 Main Street #380 Huntington Beach, CA 92648 Dear Congressman, You may be surprise...