Monday, February 19, 2018


February 19, 2018

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher,
101 Main Street #380
Huntington Beach, CA 92648

Dear Congressman,

Re: Tweets

In lieu of my usual letter, forgive me if I unabashedly quote myself, from my most recent post on Facebook.

What a pathetic thing is a "tweet"! It's aptly named, the word defined in the dictionary as "the chirp of a small or young bird." Yet that's what we get from the occupant of the Oval Office, in response to what is finally, openly, indisputably acknowledged as an act of "information war" against the United States: a series of tweets. A real man in that office would speak with the voice of a real man, a voice of integrity and authority, a voice of justified anger and resolve; I think of the voice of Roosevelt in response to the attack on Pearl Harbor. He would not "tweet" from behind a puny cell phone, but speak out loud to the world from behind his desk, or from behind a lectern. But we lack the presence of a real man in the Oval Office. Instead, we have a small-minded, bird-brained creature who responds to a still-continuing attack on our country with nothing more than tweets.

To quote the inadequate expression of our Tweeter-in-Chief: Sad!

And you, Congressman, will you remain silent? Will you, through your silence and inaction, be guilty of collusion with your Russian friends, who attack this country with impunity? With not so much as a murmur of condemnation from the man who poses as our “president”?

Yours, in full-throated anger,

Peter Clothier, Ph.D.

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June 9, 2018 Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, 101 Main Street #380 Huntington Beach, CA 92648 Dear Congressman, You may be surprise...