April 25, 2018
Rep. Dana
101 Main
Street #380
Beach, CA 92648
Re: Okay, but…
I read your tweet yesterday about working to
“mitigate the increase of jet engine noise over our neighborhoods” and thought
to myself, “Okay, but…”
The “okay” is that it’s certainly a good thing to
reduce noise pollution—over our neighborhoods and elsewhere. It’s a good thing
to reduce every kind of pollution that impinges on our quality of life, whether
air, or noise, or light, or indeed any other form. Life in contemporary America
is hard enough. We have too many sources of stress, which result in all kinds
of uncivil behavior. The human species survived, evolved, even—if you happen to
believe in evolution, as I do and apparently a large number of Americans do
not—on a planet that did not have these particular health hazards, so our
bodies and minds are ill-prepared to accommodate to them.
So there is a “but.” There is, in my view, more
than a taste of “not in my back yard” provincialism to your pronouncement that
I find questionable. All very well to cater to the mild discomfort of our
generally wealthy and materially comfortable communities; but this should not
be accompanied by neglect of the huge problems of pollution that affect the
entire planet. While you, in comfortable Orange County, complain about the
noise of the jet planes that carry us in relative luxury and with amazing speed
on our trips throughout the planet, there are literally millions of human
beings who are forced to suffer the consequences of our national embrace of
fossil fuels and our failure to accept responsibility for our contribution to
world-wide pollution.
While you complain about the noise of take-off and
landing, you do nothing about the pollution that is distributed liberally in
the earth’s atmosphere in between.
Peter Clothier, Ph.D.
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