Thursday, January 4, 2018


January 4, 2018

 Rep. Dana Rohrabacher,
101 Main Street #380
Huntington Beach, CA 92648

Dear Congressman,

Re: Be a Hero

It must be clear to everyone with a remaining rational thought in his or her head that the man in the Oval Office should not be there. His latest schoolyard tweet boasting of the size of his nuclear button in comparison to Kim Jong Un’s confirms that the quality of his mind is more nearly that of a four-year old brat than of a president of the United States. Not only does he bring the matter of nuclear war to a level of puerile taunts, he makes our country look foolish, untrustworthy and dangerous in the eyes of the world.

Also, no matter how you may question its every detail, the new book about Trump’s White House reveals an undignified scene of internecine squabbling, back-stabbing and administrative chaos which clearly reflects the character of the chief executive. Our country is in hands that can best be described as incompetent, at worst frankly criminal. For all his boasts of strength, Trump is clearly incapable of independent thought or resolve; he capitulates to the last person who manages to catch his ear, veering wildly from one position to its polar opposite in the space of no more than a few minutes.  His personal greed, his petty vengefulness, his willful ignorance, his rank authoritarianism and his bellicosity are by now unquestionable: he reveals them unabashedly on a daily basis to the country and the world.

You, Congressman, are in a position to be a hero. You can tell the truth. You can be the first of your colleagues in the House of Representatives to stand up, speak out, and say boldly what no others have the guts to say: the man should go.

How about it, Congressman? Will you be a hero? Or will you continue to serve, not your constituents, but a petty tyrant who serves no one but himself?


Peter Clothier, Ph.D.

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June 9, 2018 Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, 101 Main Street #380 Huntington Beach, CA 92648 Dear Congressman, You may be surprise...